Monday, April 1, 2013

My Muse

Almost 12 months ago, I gave birth to a little girl. And my whole world changed.

We were very fortunate to fall pregnant not long after we started trying (6 weeks after we got married). However, motherhood came as a rude shock, and now 12 months on, I am only just finding my feet.

One of the challenges of maternity leave was the need to find something to stimulate my mind. I take my hat off to stay at home mums, but it was just not something I could see myself doing for a long time. I thought about cake making...but that would just make me fat(ter). So I decided to bust out my Grandma's 25 year old sewing machine and have a go. 

I was hooked. Sewing felt natural. It felt fun. I relish in choosing fabrics and finding ideas. I love the feel, the sound and the smell of my machine. I love when my husband is on a night shift and I can roll my cabinet into the middle of the lounge room, put on a movie and sew. 

I mainly sew things for my girl. We love pink. We love yellow. We love ruffles and patterns and sparkles. We love spotlight. And she loves to help out...